Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Books

The Books are very peculiar trio. They consist of a guitarist, vocalist and a cello player. Besides their own folk sounds they also sample random sounds, which they typically find from cassettes that they buy from thrift stores.

To show their diversity here are two tracks.

Mister Heavenly

In case you missed the Mister Heavenly show here's a recording of their Portland show. Great video with great audio. Thanks Portland.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Man Man

A few weeks ago I went to see Mister Heavenly, which is a new band that consists of Honus Honus of Man Man and Nick from the Islands and the Unicorns as well as one of the drummers from Modest Mouse. Well before the show I managed to catch up to Honus to talk to him for a minute. We got to talking about Man Man and he told me that they've finished recording the new album and it should be available sometime in April! Keep your eyes open and by all means make sure you're at their live show.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan

Great new album from 2010 and here's my favorite track from the album.

The Watson Twins

The backup singers for Jenny Lewis, of Rilo Kiley and her S/T band, have their own solo project.

I absolutely love the piano and drum beat on this song.


2010 saw a great solo release from Blockhead, who is a major producer for Aesop Rock.

The album is The Music Scene and the first song has a very captivating beat with some pretty eerie vocal tracks.